The event of MLT Yamaha Café has ended perfectly!

【萬里達Yamaha Café 快閃活動精彩回顧】 2023年8月20日的快閃Yamaha Café活動完滿結束! The event of MLT Yamaha Café has ended perfectly! 你有冇參加我哋今次嘅活動呢😘? 活動現場輕鬆歡樂,有凍飲消暑之餘,更可以欣賞Yamaha重點推介的5款車款!幾位Yamaha Café 女僕與客人貼心合照,擲彩虹游戲攤位繽fun有趣。有車睇、有嘢飲、有game玩、有禮品攞😍! 而家就用一條片嘅時間回顧下活動精彩瞬間啦! Now let’s review the event with a video! 擔心錯過今次嘅活動睇唔到靚車? 唔緊要!到萬里達陳列室,慢慢揀選心水靚車🥰 For enquires, you are welcome to visit our showroom Man Lee Tat Car Company (HK & Macau sole distributor) or call us. ☎️TEL:2612 2218 FAX. 2612 2219 WhatsApp: 66129002 

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